It's time for California to stop unchecked growth in health care costs.
When health care costs are too high, it’s not just our pocketbooks that are at stake, it’s our lives. Governor Newsom’s proposal for an Office of Health Care Affordability would limit growing health care costs and make care more affordable.
The Office of Health care Affordability
Enforceability is the Key to Accountability
As California families grapple with rising prices at the supermarket and the gas pump, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that health care costs have been putting a steady squeeze on our wallets for decades. The pandemic has made it clear: every Californian needs affordable, accessible, quality health care.
That can only happen if California can get costs under control. The Office of Health Care Affordability, proposed in AB 1130 (Wood) and in Governor Newsom’s January budget, would set and enforce cost targets for California’s health industry to provide real relief to health care consumers and protects our overwhelmed, understaffed health care workforce.
The Office of Health Care Affordability does just that by prioritizing strong enforcement for all parts of the health care industry while protecting health care workers.
The Problem
Californians are struggling to afford health care.
About half of those polled say they skipped or postponed care because of the cost, and 47% say they felt the consequences in worse health outcomes.
Soaring costs take a bite from employers and workers’ wages
Californians are paying more, but getting less care
Stop Unchecked Growth in Health Care Costs

“As a health care worker, I know firsthand how scary the last year has been for my patients and my co-workers. You’re constantly watching, making sure you're not gonna get sick because it’s not only your health that’s at stake, it’s your family’s welfare. I’ve seen too many kidney patients worried about getting the tests and treatment they need to protect their health because of the cost of care. The cost makes it so hard for them to focus on getting better.”
The Solution
Set health care cost growth targets
Provide tools and strategies
for the health industry to meet targets, to guarantee health care costs do not continue to outpace inflation.
Secure accountability
for the health industry to meet the growth targets, including corrective action plans and consequences if not able to meet targets.
Return savings to consumers
who are directly impacted, while not at the expense of workers or diminishing quality, access, or equity.
Monitor consolidation and other market failures
Increase quality and equity
Reduce administrative waste
Promoting simplification and streamlining processes within the health care system.
Improve consumer experience
by ensuring data is shared appropriately within the health care system.
Create a framework for future action
to examine other drivers of spending, such as pharmaceuticals.
The Key to Success: Enforceability and Worker Protections
- The ability to assess strong financial penalties is the key to the Office’s viability. Without strong financial penalties, the Office will not have the power it needs to effect real change for consumers or workers.
- Affordable health care for California depends on the protection of our health care workforce, which has struggled for too long with staffing shortages due to burnout, unsustainable wages, and high turnover.